viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

 I’m stronger because of my hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, happier because of my sad  experiences, and smarter because of my moments of confusion.

You have to decide what’s more important to you; keeping your pride and getting nothing, or taking a risk and maybe having everything.

When you love someone, you just do. There are no maybes, no buts, and no whys.

We’re teenagers. We’re still learning. Shit happens. We cheat, we lie, we criticize, we fight over stupid things. We fall in love and end up getting hurt. We bitch, bitch, bitch. We bitch about bitches being bitches. We party till dawn, we drink till we pass out. We hate people for no reason, we call each other names. We stay up late having deep conversations, or stay up late just to think. We go out and have a kick ass time with our friends and those will be the memories. One day that’s going to all pass. You can waste your time focusing on all the bad things, but one day you’re gonna wish you were still a teenager. So make the most of what you have now, forget all the bullshit and drama and live your fucking life with a sexy smile on your face.

Dying is a fact. Living is a choice. 

 Sometimes you should look foward to the future and forget about the past, because what’s done is done and what’s ahead is a mystery.

And maybe you are wondering why everythig happens to you, and why all the bullshit is always on your way, well enjoy it bitch, because is your karma 
How does it feel knowing you are the cause of all her pain?

Adapt or die. As many times as we’ve heard it, the lesson doesn’t get easier. The problem is we’re human. We want more than just to survive. We want love. We want success. We want to be the best that we can be. So, we fight like hell to get those things. Anything else feels like death. -Grey’s Anatomy

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used to create them.

Boys, books, school, looking good, facebook, music, gossip, food, tumblr and problems. A girl’s daily routine.

If we’re not supposed to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge?

Do what you love, fuck the rest.

Past: Run up to hug each other and talk.
Now: Walk past and pretend not to see each other

They say love is hidden in every corner. I must be walking in circles.

Don’t judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore

So, now you like me? That’s cute. Adorable, in fact. Considering, you let me go. You pushed me away, and I’m no idiot; I took the hint and got over you. So you like me? Bullshit. You came to that conclusion too late. 

Parents, problems, friends, fakes, boys, love, crush, dating, responsibility, drama, heartache, failures, stress, happiness; It’s the teenage years.

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